Local Artist Edith Covarrubias Uses Art to Strengthen Family Bonds

By Giovanna Torres
Local artist Edith Covarrubias has been bringing after-school art activities to low-income apartment complexes in Southwest Charlotte for two years. She sets up a few tables with paint, brushes and canvases and then waits.
The first school bus arrives at 3:30 p.m. and dozens of Spanish-speaking children start walking home. She invites them to the leasing office to paint.
“Es gratis (It’s free!)” she tells the parents. Minutes later, the room is packed with elementary school children and their mothers.

“I want to provide the kids a productive distraction,” said Covarrubias, who’s originally from Mexico. “It’s also an excuse for them to spend more time with their parents, to coexist.”
Through ASC’s Culture Blocks program, she been able to develop children’s interest in art at an early age.
“A little girl said she wanted to go to art school one day and her mom asked me which ones exist nearby,” Covarrubias said. “I enjoy helping them look for such opportunities.”
Her program – fittingly named Family Bonding Through Art – has received such a warm welcome at these apartment complexes that parents and even previous participants who’ve transitioned onto middle school are now asking for program offerings for older age ranges. Covarrubias also works to help older children find opportunities to attend art school.

“Many kids/families don’t have the resources a home – paper, color pencils or even a pen,” she said. “When I hear this, I put a few materials in a bag so they can take it home and continue making art with their families.”