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P.O. Box 30246 Charlotte, NC 28230

Cultural Vision Grants

Application deadline: Monday, February 12, 2024 at 12:00pm/Noon

Commitment to Cultural Equity

In our Cultural Equity Statement, ASC commits to uphold “cultural equity in all ASC investments, governance and administrative policies and practices.” With that commitment and an interest in building a stronger sense of belonging in our community, we welcome applications led by culturally specific organizations, and those celebrating and nurturing people who are Seniors, Disabled, Immigrants, Low-Income, Women and Girls, LGBTQIA, and those of African, Latin-a/o/x/e, Asian, Arab, and/or Native American descent.

Equity in Our Grantmaking Practice

ASC accepts applications to the Cultural Vision Grant program from individuals, large and small non-profit organizations, and community groups. We recognize the need for community programming in every neighborhood across Mecklenburg County. We encourage applications from every township in Mecklenburg. We encourage applications which provide community programs centered around history, science, and technology. We provide office hours and info sessions to ensure all potential applicants have the resources they need to submit a competitive application. Each application is reviewed by a panel including non-profit leaders, creative individuals, arts education, and community volunteers. ASC intentionally recruits panelists who represent the diversity of our community, share our commitment to equitable grantmaking, and represent the different disciplines of our applicants. These panels are responsible for selecting which applications ASC funds. ASC Staff is available to provide feedback on all applications. 


The Cultural Vision Grant program directly responds to the Charlotte Mecklenburg community’s interest in arts, science, history and heritage programming that builds strong communities and demonstrates innovative, relevant, and transformative cultural expression as outlined in Imagine 2025. ASC seeks to support high-quality arts and culture projects presented within Mecklenburg County by Creative Individuals or Nonprofit Organizations that advance one of the following goals:

  • Building Community by connecting individuals across points of difference
  • Building Community by nurturing, celebrating, and supporting authentic cultures and creative expression
  • Increasing Relevance by using arts, science and history to address complex community issues
  • Increasing Innovation by supporting the creation of new and groundbreaking work

Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to quality and clear intention toward at least one of the objectives above and a capacity for success.

ASC will make grants up to $20,000. ASC requires grantees to provide matching funds toward the project expenses.

Matching Funds

ASC Cultural Vision Grants require grantees to leverage additional funding from sources other than ASC. This may include funding from other grants, cash on hand, or in-kind contributions. ASC grant may represent up to 50% of the project budget, or $20,000, whichever is less. If producing matching funds is an obstacle to your participation in the program, please contact prior to the deadline to discuss the situation.

Application Components

  • Applicant Profile
    • Contract Information for Individual, Team or 501©3 group
    • Applicant Snapshot
      • Mission Statement/ Artist Statement
      • Describe your leadership model and who leads your work. Help us understand who the primary decision makers are and why they are qualified to do this work. For organizations, this could include your executive director, senior leadership, board, and/or other leaders. For individual applicants, provide some context for your creative practice and/or key collaborators. Leadership model and who leads your work. Help us understand who the primary decision makers are and why they are qualified to do this work. For organizations, this could include your executive director, senior leadership, board, and/or other leaders. For individual applicants, provide some context for your creative practice and/or key collaborators.
      • How do you seek to engage community through your creative practice? For organizations, this may include engagement with distinct populations in alignment with your mission statement. For individual creatives, identify how working with different communities across Mecklenburg County enhances your creative practice. How do you bring the community into your work?
    • Demographic Survey (Individuals only, orgs should respond “Not Applicable”)

Proposal Narrative: In this prompt, the applicant should outline the proposal, identify creative leadership, and provide a timeline for execution of the proposal. The applicant should demonstrate a clear vision for the proposal and articulate the feasibility of the project in this section.

  • Dates
  • Project Title
  • Project discipline
  • Describe / outline the proposed project. What are you asking ASC to support? (500 word limit)
  • Who is responsible for delivering the proposed project? List names of individuals and/or community partners, their expertise and role in the project. (500 word limit)
  • Provide a timeline for the execution of the proposed project. (250 word limit)

Community Engagement: In this section, the applicant should identify who they seek to engage with this proposal. They should provide a clear snapshot of their intended audience and community partners or collaborators supporting this project. They should also include details on how they intend to spread the word about the proposed project.

  • Who is the intended audience for this proposal? (250 word limit)
  • Describe the intended audience experience. What do you want the community to take away from this experience? (250 word limit)
  • What is your plan to create awareness or promote your project? (250 word limit)

Cultural Vision Grant Goal: In this section, the applicant should select which of the Cultural Vision Grant Goals their project aligns to, and how the project will enhance the goals of articulated in the CVG guidelines.

  • Select the Cultural Vision Grant goal most aligned to your project.
  • How will this proposed project advance the goal you have selected? (500 words)
  • Budget Information / Documentation
    • Budget Template: All applicants must complete the same budget template. Failure to do so will disqualify an application.
    • Describe how your team determined the budget you have included in this application. Include information about other funding sources and in-kind contributions that are included in the budget template.


Please consider applying if your project meets the following criteria:

  • The project is an arts, science, history, or heritage project that takes place in Mecklenburg County.
  • The project begins between June 1, 2024 & December 1, 2024.
  • The project ends on or before June 30, 2025.
  • At the time of application, applicant is either an individual with a primary residence in Mecklenburg County or a Mecklenburg County-based, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that is in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). (Groups that do not have tax-exempt status may apply through a Mecklenburg based fiscal sponsor organization – see FAQs).
  • ASC encourages collaborative projects. Organizations working together should identify a single organization that will serve as the grant applicant and fiscal sponsor.

Religious Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education may apply provided the project reaches the broader community and does not contain religious content.


  • Organizations or individuals that have a current and active Cultural Vision Grant must complete that project and submit a final report before ASC will fund a new award.
  • Projects that are religious in nature or specifically serve only church membership or faculty/student body are not eligible.
  • Projects that involve work with preK-12 children during the school day are not eligible.
  • Organizations or individuals that have delinquent paperwork for a previously funded ASC grant are not eligible.
  • ASC will not consider multiple requests from the same applicant (except for large 501(c)(3) organizations with multiple locations such as the library system, YMCA, or college/university). Please contact the Grants Office at to discuss eligibility of multiple requests.

Funding Partners

ASC funds the Cultural Vision Grant program with the dedicated support of donors to the ASC Annual Fund Drive, Mecklenburg County; the Infusion Fund and its generous donors; and the towns of Cornelius, Davidson, Matthews, and Mint Hill; the Grassroots Arts Program of the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, a state agency. As a Designated County Partner of the North Carolina Arts Council, ASC is responsible for the local distribution of Grassroots Arts Program funds. Recipients will be responsible for complying with all North Carolina Arts Council and ASC paperwork.

How to Apply

The application period for the latest round of Cultural Vision Grants has passed. New applications are not being accepted at this time. 

  • Initial Application Deadline: Monday, February 12, 2024 at 12:00pm/Noon. All applicants must submit an initial application using our online application form by the published deadline. ASC does not accept late applications.
  • Panel Selection and Finalist SelectionMarch 11, 2024.A grant panel reviews each initial application. The panel deliberates on each proposal’s alignment with the goals of the Cultural Vision Grant and selects finalists. Included in this invitation will be specific guidance on the funding amount the applicant may request.
  • Finalist Requirements Review: All applicants invited to submit the Finalist Requirements will meet with the program director for consultation while preparing their Finalist Requirements. Applicants may submit a draft to ASC staff using the “email draft” prompt in the application.
  • Applicants will be notified of their application status on April 12, 2024
  • Full Requirements DeadlineMay 1, 2024.
  • Award NotificationBy May 3, 2024


In an ongoing effort to assist applicants with the development of requests for funding, we encourage all applicants to attend a grant workshop or consult with ASC staff while crafting your Initial Application. We are glad to provide guidance and suggested revisions to the proposal to make the request as competitive as possible.

Please direct any questions about the Cultural Vision Grant to


ASC staff is hosting two virtual Info Sessions for Mecklenburg County-based creatives and organizations to learn about the Cultural Vision Grant opportunity. Info Sessions take place: 


If you would like ASC staff to review a draft of your application and provide feedback, please email a draft to by February 5th at 5:00pm.


ASC staff is hosting virtual Fellowship Office Hours for Mecklenburg County-based creatives and organizations with questions about Cultural Vision Grant application process. Office Hours are: 

Frequently Asked Questions

The Cultural Vision Grant Application is a two-stage process.


First, ASC staff will review initial applications for eligibility and the application review panel will evaluate potential for success based on three key criteria:


Second, select candidates submit additional requirements for funding consideration. The additional requirements will require further detail on vision and leadership.


Panelists review application responses to open-ended style questions within the application and submission of required attachments to include bios of key project contributors and letters of support or participation from project partners. Applicants will also submit evaluation plans and a budget using the templates provided.


Cultural Vision Grant panelists may not be familiar with your organization. Therefore, as you prepare your application, it is important to clearly articulate the value, impact, and quality of the project. Panel members also consider projects that demonstrate cultural competence, relevance, and creative excellence.

A: Applicants provide information about anticipated budget and sources of financial support when submitting their Initial application. ASC will use this information to direct applicants as to the amount of money they may anticipate receiving when submitting full requirements (no greater than $20,000). This is a competitive process and applicants should develop a strong initial application and be realistic regarding funding expectations. Every application will not receive funding, and not all that receive funding will receive the full request amount.

A: The application requires projects to leverage the investment by providing a match equal to the grant amount. This may be a cash match, in-kind support, or a combination of the two. If this match is a barrier for an individual or a small/ emerging organization, please contact to discuss your options. Applicants should project fundraising efforts if they do not have the cash on hand. Please notify ASC staff if your source of matching funds will be a North Carolina Arts Council grant.  

A: The Fiscal Sponsor (or Fiscal Agent) is an organization that agrees to accept and be responsible for grant monies on your behalf. The Fiscal Sponsor must be a Mecklenburg County-based non-profit organization. Groups that do not have tax-exempt status will need to apply through a Fiscal Sponsor. All grant payments are made to the Fiscal Sponsor organization. It is the applicant’s responsibility to identify a Fiscal Sponsor and to outline specific responsibilities of each party. 

Individuals with a primary residence in Mecklenburg County may apply directly to ASC, or through a Fiscal Sponsor. 

A: In-kind support is anything provided to the project (space rental, supplies, printed materials, volunteer time, etc.) at no cost to the applicant. Provide an appropriate cash value for each contribution. Commonly used in-kind support includes volunteer time. The current estimated dollar value of volunteer time by the Independent Sector is $29.95/hour.  

A: ASC provides the funding in one single payment upon completion of the initial paperwork.  

A: Please visit ASC’s blog for more information about previously supported projects.

A: ASC funds can support program-related fees & contracts, marketing & advertising expenses, expendable supplies & materials, space rental, etc. If you are unsure if you can use grant funds for a specific expense, please see the list of ineligible costs below or contact the Grants Office at 

A: ASC happily accepts proposals for funding to support Public Art projects, provided they meet the above-stated criteria. Public Art gives meaning to spaces by evoking memories, making connections between cultures, exploring differences through illuminating them, telling stories, and provoking thought and discussion. Public Art is not a tool for PR or Marketing or merely beautification or decoration. ASC believes that much of the value of Public Art lies in the process. Therefore, requests for funding to support Public Art projects must: 

  • Define the community that will engage in and be the beneficiary of the project.  
  • Display evidence that the community will be involved in the identification of the project purpose and concept.  
  • Display evidence that the community will be involved in the artist selection process.  
  • Display evidence that the selected artist will engage the community in the development and/or fabrication of the work. 

Additionally, please note that a common obstacle faced by these types of projects is securing a suitable location for the work. The applicant must secure a location and provide evidence of this prior to the disbursement of payment. 

The following is a list of ineligible costs: 

  • Prizes, including scholarships, tuition, or financial awards.  
  • Purchase of artifacts or artwork. 
  • Capital expenditures – funds for expenses for purchase of buildings or real estate, renovations or improvements involving structural changes, payments for roads, driveways or parking lots, or permanent and immobile equipment such as grid systems or central air conditioning. Also includes acquisitions, which are expenses for additions to a collection of art.  
  • Contingency funds – funds for an event that may occur but that is not likely or intended. 
  • Costs for selling and/or marketing any products or services of the organization unrelated to the funded project. 
  • Deficit reduction, bad debts, interest on loans, indirect cost rate expenses, losses on other awards or contracts, or fines, penalties, or litigation costs. 
  • Donations and contributions to other organizations. 
  • Entertainment costs (costs of amusement, diversion, social activities, ceremonials, and costs relating thereto, such as meals, lodging, rentals, transportation, and gratuities) or costs for food or beverages for parties/receptions 
  • Fundraising and investment management costs. Events specifically designed to fundraise. 
  • Goods or services for personal use of the organization’s employees. 
  • Lobbying expenses. 
  • Organizational establishment or reorganization costs. 
  • Acrobatics, Aerobic dance, Beauty pageant, Clowning, Cosmetology, Essay contests, Fashion shows, Juggling, Magic shows, Martial arts, Modeling, Quiz bowls, and Travel presentations 

A: Applicants will submit all required and supporting documents using ASC’s online application system. This may require the use of a scanner. Applicants can provide up to five pages of support materials. The application will only support 25mb of data. 

A: If you do not know your district information, go to the website below and follow the steps listed: 

STEP 1: Input the address and press Enter. 
STEP 2: From the drop-down menu, select Voting.  
STEP 3: Your County District Number will be located under “Mecklenburg County Commission District”. Your City District Number will be located under “Charlotte City Council District.”  

If your organization or project is not located within the Charlotte city limits, please choose N/A for City District Number. County District information assists with the review of your application. In addition, it allows the ASC to track the reach of its investments.  


ASC requires the following of all grantees:

  • Complete and return a Funding Agreement/Contract, which outlines the terms and conditions of the award.
  • Submit a copy of a board-approved Conflict of Interest Policy and a No Overdue Tax Debt certification form, per North Carolina Office of State Budget & Management requirements. (If you apply using a Fiscal Sponsor, it is your responsibility to ensure the fiscal organization completes this paperwork).
  • Comply with ASC Marketing Guidelines for Grantees including usage of the ASC and North Carolina Arts Council logos and credit lines in all materials related to the funded project.
  • Comply with all ASC and North Carolina Arts Council policies, and Office of State Budget and Management requirements, where applicable.
  • Submit a final report and all additional paperwork, which may include NC Office of State Budget and Management forms and certification, and project documentation, no later than 30 days after the project has concluded.
  • Comply with ASC requests for evaluation of Cultural Vision Grant objectives, including audience/participant and organizational feedback.

ASC Staff will facilitate an info session to further detail the requirements listed above for all grantees.

A: ASC’s Grants and Services staff is available to answer questions as you develop your application. We will review drafts of applications if they are received before August 22. We’re also available to answer questions through info sessions and office hours, which you can register for on our website. Please direct questions about guidelines or applications themselves to 

Grant Recipient Resources

Cultural Vision Grant
Budget Template
Guidelines and logos to Acknowledge
ASC Support
Click here to continue
a previously started application