Check Out the Designs for New 'Wind Sculpture' Banners and Share Your Feedback with the Local Artists Behind Them

Several local artists are ready to reveal their designs for replacement banners for the iconic uptown public artwork “Wind Sculpture.”
You can see their designs and provide feedback at a drop-in Community Engagement from 5-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the VAPA Center (700 N. Tryon St., Charlotte). Registration is requested.
“Wind Sculpture,” created by the late Charlotte artist Jack Pentes, was gifted to the City of Charlotte in 1985 as the first project funded by Queen’s Table, a group of anonymous donors that celebrate Charlotte by funding public art projects that enhance the quality of life in the city.
The stack of six spheres, made from metal and in the shape of a pyramid, originally went up at West Trade and Mint streets in Charlotte’s Third Ward as a gateway to West Charlotte. It was relocated to the intersection of West Trade Street and North Irwin Avenue in 2018.
Central to the sculpture are its six spinning discs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg artists have created new designs for the discs after engaging communities within all Charlotte City Council districts. Their artworks are inspired by and representative of the communities of Uptown, Southeast Charlotte, North Charlotte, South Charlotte, East Charlotte and West Charlotte.
The six local artists commissioned for this project and the Charlotte City Council Districts their designs represent are:

- Dorne Pentes, District 1 (the southeastern part of the city near the central business district. It includes neighborhoods such as Dilworth, Plaza-Midwood, Grier Heights, Freedom Park, Myers Park, Eastover, Elizabeth, Chantilly and Windsor Park.).
- Marcus Kiser, District 2 (the northern area of the city; it includes the central business district and neighborhoods such as Third and Fourth Wards, Wesley Heights and many others).
- Monique Luck, District 3 (the western area of the city).

- Jonathan Grauel, District 4 (the northeastern part of the city from The Plaza to the city limits; Interstate 85 runs through the area).
- Rosalia Torres Weiner, District 5 (the eastern part of the city, including areas near portions of North Sharon Amity, Albemarle Road, Rama Road and Idlewild Road).
- Bree Stallings, Districts 6 & 7 (the southern area of the city; and the southeastern area of the city, along Highway 51).