The public artwork “Wishes of Historic West End” pays homage to the West End’s historically Black communities.
ASC Artist Support Grants support professional and artistic development for emerging and established artists to enhance their skills and abilities to create work or to improve their business operations and capacity to bring their work to new audiences.
An ASC Creative Renewal Fellowship is helping Indrani Nayar-Gall “explore the power behind visual media that transcends language.”
If not for an ASC Creative Renewal Fellowship, Alvin Jacobs, Jr. isn’t sure where he’d be now. But receiving the fellowship changed his plans … and his photography practice.
“Our agency is about togetherness, community and healing,” said Kim Lewis, Promise Resource Network’s (PRN) community outreach coordinator. “It’s about the power of being with others.” And the power of creativity – which is where ASC comes in. “Creativity is at the core of everything we do,” Lewis said.
“Life is not happening to you; it’s happening for you.” I’ve heard bestselling author (and former advice columnist for O Magazine) Martha Beck say that. A quick Google search shows that Tony Robbins has said it, too. Maybe all life coaches and motivational speakers say some version of it.
Ramona Moore Big Eagle developed her life’s purpose around the power of story. An oral historian and legend keeper with North Carolina’s Tuscarora Nation, Big Eagle cites a personal foundation built upon the traditions, culture and lessons found in the stories passed along to her by her parents and indigenous elders throughout her life.
Signs are everywhere – on interstates, on highways and byways, on restaurants and retail establishments. No trespassing. Wrong way. Masks required. We encounter so many signs in our daily lives that we can start to tune them out. Unless a sign stands out.
As the season of gratitude approaches, we want to highlight several local creative individuals and organizations who make Charlotte-Mecklenburg a more innovative creative ecosystem for all. We know we are grateful for them, but why and what are they grateful for this year?
She grew up in Augusta, Ga., in a home with a disco ball that on late nights would become a beacon for community and connection. This is where Williams first began to study dance and where she said she learned that “dance is a celebration of community, of life, and joy.”