
29 Apr: Even better next year – Ann Jacob, ASC Cato Lifetime Achievement in Teaching

Ann Jacob views challenging students as a way for children to achieve possibilities beyond what they imagine for themselves. A future filled with possibility and opportunity is what awaits Jacob’s students as their classroom is transformed daily into a dream factory where no challenge is too great and no possibility out of reach. For more than 30 years Jacob’s enthusiasm for instruction and opening up pathways for students to excel has translated into success.


11 Oct: ASC Honors – Wesley Mancini, Design

Wesley Mancini was drawn to art when he was growing up in Connecticut, he says, “because the art teacher was the only unusual person I knew.” So he went to the (then) Philadelphia College of Art, where he became interested in fiber. He did some fiber art, but soon realized he couldn’t support himself and his mother that way. So he went into textile design instead.


10 Oct: ASC Honors – Robert Corbin, Science

For his entire career, Dr. Robert Corbin has dedicated himself to “igniting wonder” about science in children of all ages. He spent his first 18 years as a science teacher in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools at Myers Park, Garinger and Waddell high schools. In 2007, he joined the staff of Discovery Place as vice president of learning experiences.