Art in a liminal space: Val Britton’s public artwork for Charlotte’s busy airport By PAGE LEGGETT For someone who knew…
Sir Hodge’s Creative Renewal Fellowship allowed him to work with a London mentor By PAGE LEGGETT If there’s someone in…
Culture Blocks: “When boundaries are eliminated, the possibilities are endless” By VIRGINIA BROWN When Pat Smith, a former clogger and…
ASC surprises artist Junior Gomez with a $3,000 SEED grant he didn’t know he’d been nominated for By PAGE LEGGETT…
Poet de’Angelo DIA’s $15,000 Creative Renewal Fellowship provided everything he’d hoped – and then some By PAGE LEGGETT If anyone…
High School Music Teacher Kathryn Heinen Embraces Contemporary Arts in Music Education By DASIA HOOD For many educators, the journey…
Dr. Alfreda Reynolds Encourages Excellence Through Exposure in Education By DASIA HOOD In the case of Dr. Alfreda Reynolds, good…
ASC Cato Award Recipient Franchone Bey Brings Journalism Background to the Classroom By DASIA HOOD Sometimes, due to the challenging…