2023 Candidate Questionnaire – Town of Davidson
Ahead of Election Day 2023, candidates running for election for Town of Davidson Mayor and Board of Commissioners were provided a survey to complete and share their position on arts and culture. Below are the verbatim responses we received, grouped by question.

Steven G. Justus: My mother thought I had artistic talent and arranged for me to have an art teacher after school hours. Though my talent was less impressive than my mother imagined, the experience left with me an appreciation of the artistic community. That has led me to seek out artists in the communities where we have lived. I spent time with Tom Clark when I was a Davidson student and my wife and I have local artists’ work in our home.
Tracy Mattison Brandon: Every time I walk past the mural located on the campus of Davidson College on the three-foot tall, 40-foot-wide brick wall near the Alvarez College Union, I am reminded of how it reflects the values of my community. A community where advocacy for social justice and equity is a part of our everyday effort. This mural reflects the effort and unity of over 100 students painting thousands of tiny ceramic tiles forming the slogan of the ongoing social justice movement: BLACK LIVES MATTER. A much-needed expression to welcome people of color on campus and as viable, relevant part of the community
Steven G. Justus: My priorities atre to learn more about the history of the town’s engagement with arts and culture for example The Davidson Public Arts Commission to ascertain wat is going on now and were that engagement is headed.
Tracy Mattison Brandon: My priorities for art and culture include supporting sustainable funding, promote opportunities for the creation and expression of culture through art and incorporate storytelling in our community to expand the voices. I intend to spread awareness through collaborations and connect opportunities of creative storytelling with historical West Davidson community, senior community, youth, and Davidson college students that we may engage with one another’s experiences.
Steven G. Justus: I am actively engaged in inequities within north Mecklenburg communities primarily through nonprofit work. My focus has been on community health and environmental disparities. Starting from an understanding of these issues, it is not an unreasonable stretch to undersatnd and address how inequities manifest themselves in arts and culture.
Tracy Mattison Brandon: I would seek to promote art classes, cultural education and activities within marginalized neighborhoods seeking grants where people of color are able to take advantage of art education and opportunities to discover talents through art.
Steven G. Justus: I would begin by an understanding of the history of the town’s engagement with the artistic community. I would seek to understand how those connections have extended to the present day. Then through those connections or by helping re-establish lost connections if necessary, seek to understand the current interests and the needs of the creative workers.
Tracy Mattison Brandon: Seek direct feedback from the cultural sector to identify needs and then seek ways to meet the needs by creating opportunities to engage creative workforce in town initiatives, activities or events.
Steven G. Justus: I would like to see public art produced by local artists incorporated in future projects. I would support a Davidson Public Arts Commission but need to learn the current status of that work. I will continue to support the town’s events featuring art and culture. I am actively engaged in a Citizen Science project through volunteering with the Davidson Lands Conservancy. I would like to see Citizen Science opportunities floursh and would seek to learn how town commissioner decisions can contribute to growing this work.
Tracy Mattison Brandon: To promote financial support for the arts, sciences, culture and history programming by highlighting the economic, social, community and educational benefits. Collaborating with private sector partners, such as foundations, corporations, and individual donors.
ASC did not receive survey responses from the candidates below. (Candidates with an asterisk did not have campaign contact information available from the Board of Elections or were unable to be reached at the phone number or email address provided.)
Mayor, Town of Davidson
Russell B. (Rusty) Knox, Jr.
Board of Commissioners, Town of Davidson
Matthew Dellinger
Ryan Fay
Autumn Rierson Michael